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The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating with Wallpaper

The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating with Wallpaper

2023-05-01 12:29:32

Wallpaper Do's and Don'ts: Top Tips for Decorating Your Space – Woodchip &  Magnolia

Wallpaper can add color, pattern and texture to any room in your home. However, this can also be a tricky design element. In this blog, we explore the do's and don'ts of decorating with wallpaper to help you give your space a beautiful and cohesive look.



Choose the Right Wallpaper for your space

Consider the size of the room, the natural lighting, and the overall aesthetics of your home when choosing wallpaper. Large patterns and dark colors overwhelm small spaces, while bright colors and small patterns are buried in large spaces. start small

If you are new to wallpapering, start small. Before choosing a larger space, consider using wallpaper as an accent wall or in smaller spaces such as restrooms and offices.


Mix & Match

Combine patterns and textures to create interest and depth in your space. For example, pair floral wallpaper with striped or geometric rugs for added visual interest.


Choose Complementary Decorations

Choose complementary decorations to make the wallpaper blend in with the rest of the space. Consider coordinating wallpaper accent colors or using decor that reflects the same style or era.




Wallpaper can add character to a space, but it's important not to overdo it. Too many patterns and colors can be overwhelming, so consider balancing your wallpaper with neutral decor and furnishings.


Use Wallpaper in Humid Areas

Avoid using wallpaper in damp areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. Moisture can cause the wallpaper to peel and damage it over time. ignore wall textures

Wallpaper may not adhere well to textured walls. Smooth out any imperfections or textures before hanging the wallpaper to ensure a smooth and even application.


Afraid to Mix Patterns

Combining different patterns can add interest to a space, but it's important not to overdo it. Stick to two or three patterns at most, and let them complement each other.


In summary, wallpapering is a fun and exciting way to add color and pattern to your space. By choosing the right wallpaper for your space and starting small and mixing and matching patterns, you can create a beautiful and cohesive look for your home. Don't be afraid to use wallpaper in areas of high humidity, ignore wall textures, or mix patterns. By following these dos and don'ts, you can create a stunning and sophisticated space that reflects your personal style. 

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