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10 Cleaning Hacks for a Stress-Free Move-In Day

10 Cleaning Hacks for a Stress-Free Move-In Day

2023-07-11 02:34:48
Organizing for a Move: 8 Helpful Tips

Moving to a new home is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful, especially when it comes to cleaning. In this essay, we'll share 10 cleaning tips for a stress-free move-in day so you can focus on settling into your new home.

Pack a cleaning kit

Before you start cleaning your new home, make sure you have a cleaning kit. This includes basic cleaning supplies such as all-purpose cleaners, sponges, paper towels, and trash bags. Having everything you need in one place saves time and simplifies the cleaning process. clean before unpacking

It's much easier to clean your new home before you start unpacking. This eliminates the need to move things around and clean up. Start by dusting all surfaces, wiping countertops, and cleaning your bathroom.

Clean high traffic areas

Focus on cleaning high-traffic areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and hallways. These areas are the dirtiest and require the most attention. Thoroughly clean floors, cabinets and appliances.

Use magic eraser

The Magic Eraser is a great tool for removing scuffs and stains from walls, skirting boards and floors. They work well on a variety of surfaces and can make your new home look brand new in no time.

Clean carpets and upholstery with steam

If your new home has carpet or upholstery, consider hiring a steam cleaner to give it a thorough clean. This will remove dirt and grime and make the room cleaner. clean windows and mirrors

Don't forget to clean the windows and mirrors in your new home. The impression of the whole room changes greatly. Use a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth for streak-free results.

Use vinegar for stubborn limescale

If you have stubborn water spots on your faucets and shower heads in your new home, use vinegar to remove them. Simply soak a cloth in vinegar and wrap it around the affected area for a few hours. The acid in vinegar dissolves stains and makes them easier to wipe off.

Cleaning the oven and refrigerator

Clean your oven and refrigerator before using them in your new home. Use oven cleaner to remove baked-on grease and food, and wipe down the refrigerator with a solution of water and baking soda to remove odors.

Don't forget your garage

If your new home has a garage, remember to clean it out before you move in. Sweep the floors and wipe the shelves and cabinets to remove dust and dirt. hire a professional cleaner

If you don't have the time or energy to clean your new home yourself, consider hiring a professional cleaner. They will take care of everything for you and leave you with a clean and stress-free move-in day.

In summary,
cleaning your new home before you start unpacking can make a big difference to the overall look and feel of your space. , use the Magic Eraser to steam clean carpets and upholstery, clean windows and mirrors, use vinegar to remove scales, clean ovens and refrigerators, don't forget the garage and hire a professional Cleaner lets you have a stress-free move-in day and enjoy your new home right away.
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